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You may remember that I described earlier the social coffee mornings of some friends where I get to play the piano for them, blindfolded if I’m lucky.

More lately, a woman has been coming to these coffee mornings from time to time, a youngish widow as it turns out, rather quiet and reticent, and who has moved into one of the other girl’s Granny Annex. The ‘Granny’ having passed on, of course. She stopped me in the town on one occasion and said that she admired my piano playing and that there was a piano where she now lived, she had learnt to play years ago and would like to re-start and would I give her some lessons?

I said I wasn’t at all qualified to give lessons and would probably upset the local professional teachers if I did. I volunteered to introduce her to one but she declined that offer quite firmly. She asked me again on another occasion, saying she didn’t want to take serious lessons involving a professional teacher, but would just like to make it a friendly visit to brush up her playing. So I succumbed, thinking perhaps she was just a little lonely and firmly refused her offer of any payment. Just bring a couple of pastries, I said, and I would make some coffee. Why am I recounting this? Because I found out that she wanted to learn to play, as she had seen me do at one of the coffee mornings, blindfolded! Not that she ever put it quite as bluntly as that. It took some time to discover this was the case but, after a few lessons she asked if she could try playing a well-practiced piece using my eye-mask and then I playfully suggested that to do the whole lesson blindfolded in that way would do miracles for her ‘touch’.

At this point, she admitted that she actually liked being blindfolded anyway and relaxed at home wearing a blindfold of her own. She was becoming quite proficient at playing the piano as well.

So, needless to say, I encouraged such thoughts and said, that by some strange coincidence, I felt the same way and that I also spent time other than playing the piano, blindfolded.

I said that, if she really felt that way, she could easily spend the whole of her piano lesson visit blindfolded. She leapt at that.




So it came about, that I would blindfold her with my scarf as soon as she arrived, give her my indoor cane to find her way around my house, have the piano lesson and then have coffee, from mugs, with pastires and biscuits, chat and then I would only remove her blindfold as she left.

I had boasted about my proficiency in undertaking household tasks blindfolded, but it was she herself who eventually suggested that perhaps I would like to be blindfolded, as well during her visit!

So we transferred our lesson to fortnightly Fridays. On those days then, after seeing my husband off to London early in the morning, I joyfully blindfold myself and I go through my normal routine as nearly always on every Friday. Around eleven, after I have done my chores, she will arrive and ring the front door bell. As a precaution, I ask through the door if it is she there. Thankfully it always has been, so far! Still blindfolded of course, I let her in. She hands me her scarf and I blindfold her there and then inside the door and give her my cane to find her way around my house. I can manage quite well without a cane after all these years. So first I let her lead the way to the room with the piano in it and we have the lesson. And so on as I’ve already described, including making and offering coffee and we sit down to eat the pastries which she brings, always squashy cream ones which provides as with a laugh, of course.



Chris has suggested that one might suspect that there is some sort of Lesbian activity going on but that is just not the case. I find that she is the only person that I have come across after very many years, that shares our passion just for blindfolding, nothing else. She says she feels the same as I do and we both just enjoy ourselves

There are no pictures on this page (yet). Instead, a treat as a reward for the reader who has managed to struggle through to this penultimate page of our journal.


Paste this in and zoom through to about 3 minutes of the video clip where the treat starts.

© 2023 by Jane's brother Chris

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